
WillPower is a strength and conditioning program designed to burn calories, build lean muscle, and build athleticism.


Lower Body Strength (Leg Day) - Start the week strong with this strength workout designed to engage the biggest muscles in your body; Glutes, Quads, and Hamstrings!


Upper Body Strength - Another strength workout; this one designed to sculpt your back, shoulders, triceps and biceps.


Core Strength and Conditioning - Develop your abs while keeping your heart rate elevated. This workout is meant to challenge your core, while simultaneously burning calories!


Full Body Strength - Our third, strictly strength workout of the week. We use compound exercises to engage major muscle groups simultaneously. Every muscle in your body will get worked!


Cardio Interval Training - Friday workouts are designed for the sole purpose of burning calories and improving endurance. Bikes, rowers, jump ropes, and sprints will get you ready for the weekend!

Saturday & Sunday

Full Body Conditioning - A heart pounding, strength and conditioning workout awaits the end of every week. Nothing is off the table with this boot-camp style workout. You’ll feel like you earned your weekend!


Exercise Philosophy

High Intensity

Every WillPower workout will be designed to keep the heartrate elevated. There will be enough rest between sets to keep athletes hydrated but not enough for the athletes to stop breathing hard. Strength exercises and conditioning exercises will be performed in enough volume and frequency to achieve the most effective, efficient, 45-minute workout.

Build Lean Muscle

The more lean muscle mass a person has, the more calories they will burn while they are not working out. The WillPower workouts use traditional and compound strength building exercises in a high intensity fashion to build strength and lean muscle. This workout is not designed to bulk, but to increase muscle and bone density.

Burn Calories

Resistance conditioning exercises are an important part of the WillPower program. High-intensity conditioning exercises keep the heart rate elevated and means the body reaches a state of EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). This is important because the body burns calories during and recovering from the workout.

Build Athleticism

Athleticism is the body’s ability to combine strength, endurance, quickness, speed, balance, agility, and flexibility as efficiently as the body allows to complete movements or tasks. Everyone that does a WillPower workout is considered an ATHLETE and everyone has their own level of athleticism. Since throughout the week, there will be exercises that aim to increase every facet of athleticism, everyone that does a WillPower workout will be working at increasing their own level of athleticism.